The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club (TIPEC) ‘Rev’ up to The Bulls Head !!!!!
It was great to welcome the ‘real’ Porsche enthusiasts to the Bulls Head the other night with some absolute classics on show!!! The TIPEC team travelled from far and wide to meet up and socialise while comparing cars in a distinctly friendly yet slightly competitive way!!! The team pictured above (except one who took the photo!!) were keen to join our 3p Club on the night but the light wasn’t great (as the nights are drawing in) so they did well to get the necessary photos completed with the help of the odd headlight!!
Once those photos of each car (click on car clubs to see them) outside the Bulls Head, were taken, the team were officially members and were then presented with their 3p mugs and a couple of ‘pub plates’ were shared on us!! The team will be returning for day time photo taking and we do look forward to seeing you all again soon. This means that in the members race
between Shane and I for 2011/12 I am now in a significant lead!!! Ho!!Ho!!
A special thanks to Steve and Ben for giving us the opportunity to look after the TIPEC’s. See you all soon!!