The Bulls Head ‘Good fellows’ Car Club!!!

After the launch of the ‘3p Car Club’ for Porsche enthusiasts it was quite clear to our original landlord Shane that a lot of people were going to be left out of some fun !!

So Shane decided to set up a rival car club to the 3p club which he named ‘The Goodfellows’ and this club would recognise vehicles from other walks of life!

The idea of the club, like the 3p Car Club, is to recruit members and then, when we believe we have enough in both clubs, we can arrange events for members to enjoy throughout the brighter months of the year.

After two years at the helm Shane retired handing the Good fellows Club over to Ben.

Ben quickly realised, on becoming club president, that there were two sides to the club. The ‘Good’ in the club name and the Odd-Fellows in the name! So he encouraged both styles of transport to join so that’s why we have such an eclectic mix of members as you will see below.

Ben served as Club president for over a year before handing the reigns over to Barry our current landlord. Ben still works for the company as our Support manager and will visit from time to time to assist in the smooth running of all things Bull!!

There are a number of competitions between the 3p Club and the Good fellows throughout the brighter months of each year. There is an annual Treasure Hunt ‘Head to Head’ between the two Car Clubs in September/October and a membership competition each year too to see who can achieve the most members. The 3p Club have won this in 2010/11 then the Good Fellows in 2011/12 and 2012/13 with the 3p Club speeding in to make things level in 2013/14.

We also arrange drive outs for you to our sister Car Club at the Cholmondeley Arms near Malpas as well as lucky draw tickets for the Cheshire ‘Pageant of Power’ Car event at Cholmondeley Castle each year.

So if you are proud of your car whether ‘good’ or indeed ‘odd’ and believe it to be worthy of membership park it outside the Bulls Head as below and take a picture and send it to Helen at and we will do the rest!!

Each member on joining will receive a Good Fellows Mug, a Car sticker and a free pint of Bulls Head Bitter (or glass of wine) served to them proudly in the pub!! Mugs will be presented when you visit to claim your pint or glass of wine or at the special events we arrange.

So come and join the Good fellows Car Club now!!!

Also the Goodfellows Club has been mentioned on, click here for more details.